Best Mountain Bike Rides

Whiskey 50 Mountain

Whiskey 50 Mountain

Miles : 50 miles
Difficulty : Hard
The Whiskey Off Road Mountain Bike Race in Prescott, Arizona is an awesome event!
The course has a little bit of everything: paved road, single track, jeep trail, climbing and a killer descent.
If you are looking for a mountain bike ride in Prescott this is it.

Fantasy Island

Fantasy Island

Miles : 15 to 25 miles
Difficulty : Moderate
Fantasy Island mountain bike ride in Tucson, AZ is a killer dirt track with all kinds of interesting stuff!
You can park at Irvington and Harrison on the south side of Irvington which is the north entrance. Or the south entrance on Valencia south of Houghton. Most people start at the north entrance on Irvington.

Around The Peaks

around the peaks

Miles : 45 to 50 miles
Difficulty : Hard
If you are looking for an awesome mountain bike ride in Flagstaff, Arizona riding the loop around the peaks is the ride for you.