Sweetwater Preserve, Tucson Arizona
Average time
Ride Mileage
1-20 miles
Climbing Elevation
Type of ride

The Sweetwater Preserve mountain bike ride features about eight miles of singletrack built by mountain bikers.

A pristine piece of desert nestled between existing development, it is truly a gem and holds one of the densest collections of saguaro cactus in the Tucson area.

The singletrack begins to the right as you exit the parking lot. Stay right to enter a thick forest of saguaros. Look for a rare crested saguaro among them. At the top of a small pass, continue to the right on the “Black Rock” and “Sun Circle” loops.

Hang on for a high speed blast through Ocotillos on Black Rock which is the longer of the loops.

Bike Ride Map and Elevation Details

Total distance: 12.48 mi
Max elevation: 2770 ft
Min elevation: 2399 ft
Total climbing: 1477 ft
Total descent: -1802 ft
Download file: sweetwater.gpx

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